Paw Patrol

chase paw patrol


Meet Chase, one of the heroic puppies from Paw Patrol (Nick Jr). This pull apart cupcakes cake consists of oreo and chocolate cupcake with buttercream frosting, Lyn’s order for Shane’s 4th birthday.

To date, the most intricate pull part cupcake theme design I’ve ever made.

Happy birthday, Shane!

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Princess Belle

Princess Belle

My first Princess pull-apart cupcakes cake! Consists of 24 vanilla cupcakes, Alejandra’s order for Ignacia’s 4th birthday party. I added mini yellow roses on the dress since my daughter said so 🙂

Feliz cumpleanos Ignacia.

Princess Belle

Ariel turns 4

My little girl been asking me this question daily ” Is it my birthday today, Mami?”
“Are you baking cupcake for my party?”

Finally today I can say “Yes, sweetie-pie, it is your birthday!”

When I asked her who she wants to invite for her birthday party prior to her big day, to my surprise she said “All my friends Mami but no boys please.”

So I came up with 2 split party to celebrate her special day, cupcakes and snacks for her classmates in school and a tea & tutu party for her girlfriends and their beautiful mommies at Shangri-La Residence function room. Run around Jakarta organizing everything in less than a week (in between baking orders obviously!) and thanks to some wonderful friends that helps me make everything possible (yes, you … thank YOU), everything went smoothly.

Happy 4th birthday Arielita, we love you so much !!!

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